Skill Level: Intermediate


How to create chandelier earring findings

chandelier earring findings

Step One

Take the length of wire and position the round nose pliers 1cm from the end of the wire. Use your other hand to pull wire around the curve of the pliers so it crosses over the end of the wire, to form a loop.

Step Two

Re-position pliers next to the loop leaving approx 1mm gap. Pull the wire around the curve of the pliers. You now have two loops.

Step Three

Continue step 2 another six times until you have eight loops side by side.

Step Four

Manipulate the wire to form a circle with loops on the outside of the circle. Using the round rose pliers make a loop on the short end of the wire and wrap around the bottom of the eighth loop, trim the wire and push the end in with the flat nose pliers. Now use the remaining wire to wrap and secure. Trim the excess wire. You may need to reshape the finding with your fingers.

Step Five

Harden the finding by using the wire wacker tool to flatten it. Make a second finding and decorate with gemstones.

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