Skill Level: Intermediate


How to create a Zari Rope Necklace

Learn how to make a zari rope necklace with JewelleryMaker.

Follow these step by step instructions to create a beautiful necklace using Zari rope. The word Zari supposedly originated in a village by the same name in ancient Persia. Here they were renowned for the skill of weaving thin threads of gold and silver into silk. This artistic skill was then brought to India by Persian migrants between 1700-1100 BC. Here at JewelleryMaker we encourage you to make a range of jewellery using this material, bracelets, mixed media style earrings and necklaces like this. We can’t wait to see what you do to make your necklaces stand out. Don’t forget to share your versions with us via our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Step One

Take all three lengths of Zari rope and tie a knot in them leaving an approx 3 inch tail. Choose two threads to be your 'working strands' and one to be the 'lazy strand'.

Step Two

Take the two working strands and make a loop by bending the cords in a clockwise direction and end up sitting over the top of the loop and feed the lazy thread down through the centre of the loop you just created.

Step Three

Take the two working strands and make another clockwise loop but this time pass the cords underneath the new loop and feed the lazy strand up through the centre of the new loop. You should be able to see a 'pretzel' shaped knot.

Step Four

Repeat Step 2 creating the next loop with both working strands sitting on top of the loop and feeding the lazy thread down through the centre of the loop you just created.

Step Five

Repeat Step 3; Take the two working strands and make another clockwise loop but this time pass the cords underneath the new loop and feed the lazy strand up through the centre of the new loop completing the next pretzel shaped knot.

Step Six

Continue repeating Steps 2 & 3 until you have nine complete pretzel knots, then tie all three threads in one final knot to secure it together. Add a dab of glue to both end knots and leave to dry.

Step Seven

Once the glue is dry trim off the excess working strands leaving just the lazy strands. Using Flat nose pliers fold down the edges of the ribbon cord end securing it to each of the lazy strands. Trim off the excess thread.

Step Eight

Take a headpin and add on a seed bead, the largest of the copper/focal beads and another seed bead, then using Round Nose Pliers make a wrapped loop.

Step Nine

Open a Jumpring, thread on the wrapped loop then finding the centre point of the lazy strand (this should be in the middle of a pretzel) push the jumpring through the strand and close the jumpring again.

Step Ten

Repeat Steps 8 & 9 with all the copper/focal beads and seed beads, then secure them to the lazy strand between each pretzel loop. Graduate down in size the further away from the centre you get.

Create a knitted zari thread necklace
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