Celebrating 13 Years of JewelleryMaker

| 2 min read

Celebrating 13 Years of JewelleryMaker

It’s our 13th birthday!

How time flies when you’re having fun, right? Can you believe we’re 13 already? It only feels like yesterday when we first opened the JewelleryMaker door, but alas, here we are, a teenager already.

As the team here at JewelleryMaker reflects on the past 13 years, we are amazed at how far we've come and grateful for all of the support we've received from our customers.

Over the years, we've expanded our product offerings and grown our team, but our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has remained the same. We're proud to say that our customer base has grown to include not only hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts but also professional jewellery makers and designers.

We've also expanded our online presence, with our website becoming a hub for tutorials, latest news and hints and tips. We believe that jewellery making is not just a hobby, but a way of life, and we strive to provide the resources and support necessary for our customers to pursue their passion.

As we celebrate our 13th birthday, we want to thank our customers for their continued support and loyalty. We are committed to continuing to provide the highest quality products and resources for years to come. Here's to many more years of creativity, inspiration, and beautiful jewellery!

Thank you so much all, until next time.


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